Hila May Lab
The Biohistory & Evolutionary Medicine Laboratory

Biohistory research
Biohistorical studies of ancient populations are based on both morphological and molecular (ancient DNA) methods.
Reconstructing past populations' daily life is based on understanding division of labor, social stratification, intensity of physical activities, health, nutrition, and demography (sex ratio, mortality, family size, etc.).
Evolutionary medicine
Evolutionary medicine studies search for evolutionary explanations for common diseases found in modern human populations.
We estimate the costs and benefits behind anatomical changes, which occurred throughout human evolution in order to better understand how compromised designs are developed, and the possibility of pathological outcomes.

Paleoanthropology integrates methodologies from anthropology, archaeology, paleontology, and related disciplines to explore the biological and behavioral aspects of human evolution. It sheds light on questions about our ancestors' origins, adaptive strategies, and the evolution of their anatomy, cognition, and culture.
Paleopathology is the study of ancient diseases and injuries as evidenced by fossilized remains. It involves analyzing skeletal remains, diseases, injuries, and other abnormalities to understand the prevalence, nature, and effects of various diseases, injuries and ecological interactions.